
Russian Foreign Ministry: control over migrants may be tightened after the terrorist attack in Crocus

“The tragedy will have an impact.” The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the terrorist attack will speed up work on the issue of the influx of migrants


03/25/2024 11:39

Work to improve control over the influx of migrants may accelerate after the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall complex near Moscow. A source in the Russian Foreign Ministry reported this to RIA Novosti.

The ministry noted that the influx of migrants “has been systematically reviewed by government agencies over recent years.” According to the department, it is planned to make the process more organized, as well as strengthen control over migrants’ compliance with Russian legislation.

“Apparently, the tragedy at Crocus will affect this work in order to speed it up,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Earlier in the Basmanny Court of Moscow reportedthat the leader of the terrorists who attacked Crocus had Novosibirsk registration.

Author Olga Gladkikh

Olga Gladkikh – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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