
Showman Alexander Revva spoke about the terrorist attack at Crocus: security was always beefed up

Showman Alexander Revva spoke about the terrorist attack at Crocus: security was always beefed up


03/26/2024 08:24

Singer Alexander Revvaknown under the pseudonym Arthur Pirozhkovspoke about the protection of Crocus City Hall.

Revva believes that security at the concert venue needs to be strengthened.

“There was always heavy security at concerts, but what happened this time at Crocus,” said the showman.

He noted that Crocus City Hall is the most comfortable platform for performing artists.

Revva stated that the concert hall’s security was not armed “according to certain laws.”

Previously producer Yana Rudkovskaya criticized security measures at the concert of the group “Picnic”.

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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