
Singer Nyusha published a photo in a doll form

Singer Nyusha published a photo in a doll form

Singer Anna Shurochkina, known by her pseudonym Nyushatried on the role of Barbie.

The singer of the hit “Choose a Miracle” published pictures in her doll form on her Instagram*. The singer chose an unusual outfit with bandits and ruffles in silk.

“In the mood to love and create,” the singer wrote under the photo.

The star’s followers did not approve of such a radical transformation. They criticized Nyusha for the artificiality of her image.

“What’s there to like here? A ton of makeup and nothing special”;

“Disgusting! Not Barbie at all, somehow cheap”;

“I haven’t seen Nyusha herself for a long time. Some other person. A tribute to fashion,” followers wrote under Nyusha’s post.

* social network is prohibited in the Russian Federation; belong to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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