
stars express anger and accusations, and commentators fan the flames

Words of condolences after the tragedy at Crocus City Hall: stars express anger and accusations, and commentators fan the flames


03/24/2024 23:04

Celebrities, including Konstantin Bogomolov, Kristina Orbakaite and Ivan Urgant, are using social networks to express condolences to the victims of the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack.

They highlight the dire consequences of the attack and express hope for punishment for the perpetrators and their instigators. However, some artists who have left Russia, such as Anatoly Bely* and Andrei Makarevich**, introduce political and social aspects into their statements, causing controversy among their followers.

Comments on Maxim Galkin***’s posts also become a battlefield, where fans of the star express their indignation at the rudeness and gloating of other users.

* – recognized as a foreign agent.

** – recognized as a foreign agent.

*** – recognized as a foreign agent.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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