
Stars who remained single mothers despite fame, success and beauty

Stars who remained single mothers despite fame, success and beauty

Many fans have illusions about the lives of stars, considering them perfect. However, even the most successful women’s marriages can end in divorce, and they can become single mothers.

Anastasia Volochkova – I’ll be happy with you | Premiere of the video 2014

These stories serve as a reminder that no one is immune from difficulties in their personal lives. In this article we will talk about women who, due to various circumstances, are forced to overcome the difficulties of raising children alone.

After a divorce from Igor Vdovin, Anastasia Volochkova was forced to raise their daughter Ariadne one. According to her, the reason for the separation was her husband’s passion for yoga, who devoted too much time to her. Anastasia is proud of her daughter and believes that she will have a brother. She dreams of the birth of a son, so that Ariadne would have a more joyful life. The ballerina is full of hope for the future and is confident that she will be able to give her daughter everything she needs for a happy and successful life. Meanwhile, the daughter is currently living with her father and his new wife.

Daughter Renata Litvinova, Ulyanaborn from her second marriage to Leonid Dombrovsky. After the divorce in 2006, Renata raised the girl herself. The actress never decided on a new relationship. Today, Ulyana, like her mother, lives in France, actively manifests herself in the fashion world, working as a model, attending fashion shows, representing both Russian and European designers. Her name is becoming more and more popular. Ulyana managed to become a successful Russian model abroad.

Sandra Bullock, after breaking up with Jesse James adopted a boy named Louisand three years later – an adopted daughter Laila. Now she independently takes care of her children, raises them and tries to provide them with a future. Difficulties in her personal life did not prevent her from making such a responsible decision and establishing a happy life with children without a man nearby.

One of the most beautiful women in the world – Charlize Theronwho dreamed of becoming a mother since childhood, adopted a baby in 2012 JessonA. The actress was happy to experience the feeling of motherhood, so three years later she decided to adopt the baby Augusta. She says that becoming a mother is a dream come true and the meaning of her life. The actress does not exclude the possibility of new adoptions, because there is enough room in her heart for this.

Author Sitora Chaevskaya

Sitora Chaevskaya – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Daria Mitina

Daria Mitina – historian, statesman, freelance correspondent and broadcaster of Pravda.Ru

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