
teachers in the Russian Federation were urged to ensure that schoolchildren do not give each other valentines

“Nothing to do with true love”: teachers in the Russian Federation were urged to ensure that schoolchildren do not give each other valentines


02/12/2024 19:30

Educators in our schools should ensure that children do not exchange Valentine cards on February 14th. This idea was expressed by a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Kolunov.

In his opinion, teachers play the role of mentors and educators of children, so they must control that children develop correct, traditional values.

“If we see that children at school are exchanging valentines, we gather the class, talk about Family Day, love and fidelity, about our holiday, explain why this should not be done. If it doesn’t work the first time, we repeat. Sooner or later the child will understand that celebrating February 14 in the same way as Catholics celebrate Christmas is wrong. We have our own holidays, and we must pay special attention to them,” the deputy explained in a conversation with a correspondent of the online publication Podmoskovye Segodnya.

Lecturer in the history of state and law of Russia, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Artemy Rozhnov He recalled that Valentine’s Day began to be celebrated en masse in Russia in the 90s.

“For the generation of the 1990s, faced with numerous problems, this holiday became a kind of consolation that society then sorely needed. People needed any reason for joy, and February 14, with its declarations of love, bouquets and valentines, was suitable for this,” – added the expert.

Kolunov also stated that this holiday was a Western import and entered our country along with Western brands, values ​​and views immediately after the opening of borders.

“It is clear that the time for imitating everything Western has passed. It is time to end February 14. Patriarch Kirill, speaking at the Christmas readings in January, said that this holiday promotes relationships that have nothing to do with true love. And this is absolutely true: at the core On this holiday, there is no idea of ​​creating a family, there is no idea of ​​children, proper upbringing and traditions,” Kolunov emphasized.

The parliamentarian also recalled that back in 2022, the President of the Russian Federation established the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, dedicated to the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

“This festival has Orthodox roots, not Catholic, it celebrates love, family and fidelity, rather than a “celebration of relationships” like February 14th. I consider it necessary to popularize July 8, to teach about this holiday in schools, thereby getting rid of the Western “love” heritage,” the deputy concluded.

Author Makar Gorshenin

Makar Vadimovich Gorshenin is a student at the Moscow University of Finance and Law, a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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