
The Earth is facing mass extinction! 22% of animals are already considered endangered

Environmentalists are sounding the alarm: The Earth is facing mass extinction! 22% of animals are already considered endangered


02/13/2024 11:14

The threat of complete extinction looms over 22% of migratory animal species, the Daily Mail writes on Monday, citing a report by the UN environmental project CMS, also known as the Bonn Convention.

Millions of diverse fauna, from sea turtles to elephants, constantly travel, depending on the time of year, to find food or reproduce. Anthropogenic activities hinder them in every possible way: humanity has built roads and bridges, and has rendered the environment unusable through chemical, light and noise pollution.

As a result, many animal species are experiencing serious difficulties, and some are on the verge of extinction. The CMS report “State of the World’s Migratory Species” provides the following statistics:

  • in total, the organization’s “Red List” includes 1,189 species of animals recognized as requiring international protection;
  • 260 species (22 percent) are considered endangered, of which –
    • 68 “in critical condition”
    • 78 “endangered”
    • 114 “vulnerable”;
  • population 520 (44%) is declining.

“Today’s report shows us clearly that unsustainable human activities are jeopardizing the future of migratory species,” she said. Inger AndersenExecutive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

The alarming list includes the Hawksbill turtle with a narrow pointed beak, the scalloped hammerhead shark, which is prized by poachers for its fins, and the horned antelope, which migrates from the Sahara to the savannas during the rainy season. But the current situation with fish is of “particular concern”: 97% of the migratory inhabitants of the deeps are included in the CMS list.

Author Sergey Kobin

Sergey Kobin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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