
The Judicial Committee decided on Judit Varga’s case

Imre Vejkey of the KDNP, the chairman of the committee, rejected the convening of the Parliament’s Justice Committee citing the house rules, the press office of the Parliament said in a statement.

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé

The co-chairman of the LMP, Péter Ungár, initiated the questioning of Judit Varga in a letter last week on Wednesday.

This took place after it became public: the President of the Republic Katalin Novák, despite the objection of Minister Judit Varga, pardoned Endre K., the former deputy director of the children’s home in Bicske, who was sentenced by the court to prison due to coercion and bribery committed as an accessory to the pedophile crimes committed in the children’s home. in context.

The President of the Republic, Katalin Novák, has since resigned, and Judit Varga also announced her retirement from public life last Saturday.

Dr. Imre Vejkey, chairman of the Parliament’s Justice Committee, writes in his statement addressed to Péter Ungár:

In his e-mail dated February 7, 2024, he initiated the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Judicial Committee in order to hear former Minister of Justice Judit Varga.

As he writes, Péter Ungár’s approach was also special because

I learned about its contents from an OS announcement earlier than he would have sent it to me.

He added:

I would like to inform you that 10/2014 on individual house rule provisions. (II. 24.) OGY decision (hereinafter: HHSZ) Section 114 (4) provides at least one-fifth of the committee members the right to initiate a committee hearing in writing, other representatives – who are not members of the given committee – has no right. Given that the LMP faction does not have a representative in the Judicial Committee, based on the referenced provision of the HHSZ, you cannot exercise the right to initiate the committee hearing either, taking this into account, I am not in a position to examine your proposal on the merits.

Dr. Imre Vejkey put it this way:

as a person well versed in politics, the Leader of the Group obviously knows this, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, I would like to point out as a fact that the Fidesz-KDNP represents the unbroken position at the parliamentary, governmental, municipal and any other level that all pedophiles belong in prison.

As he writes, he also wanted to point out as a fact that “in recent years it was Fidesz-KDNP that tightened the rules related to child protection, and the LMP – together with the left-wing factions – was among those who did not vote for the law against pedophile crimes stringent proposals, and they did not even directly participate in the voting”.

Finally, I would like to point out as a fact that Katalin Novák and Judit Varga made a responsible decision, which we respect. I am grateful and thank you for your work so far as the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, because – as during their work and now – they kept the interests of our nation in mind.

According to the president of the Parliament’s Justice Committee, their resignation is proof that “mistakes on the right have consequences, but crimes do not on the left.”

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