
The law “Restoring employee status to professors” comes into force – today 24

Law 03.04 related to restoring the status of employees to academic staff became effective after it was published in the Official Gazette, today, Monday, (No. 7273) as a result of the government’s agreement with the unions last month, which ended the “contracting” crisis that extended for years of continuous strikes for several months that paralyzed the public education sector.

Law No. 03.24, which was approved by Parliament in both chambers, stipulates that the employees of academies consist of employees who are subject to, contrary to the provisions of Article 7 of Law No. 69.00 relating to the state’s financial control of public establishments and other bodies, the basic regulations for employees of the national education sector. These employees are in a legal and regulatory position vis-à-vis the academy, and they are recruited, appointed, and appointed to one of the grades stipulated in the aforementioned statute according to the conditions and methods it specifies.

In addition to these, the law stipulates employees who will be employed in accordance with the regulations applied to inter-ministerial bodies. And employees in attached status.

In the same issue of the Official Gazette, Law No. 04.24 was issued to subject the regulatory frameworks of the regional academies of education and training to the civil pension system.

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