
The online Price Monitor is expanding with new product categories

Lactose- and gluten-free products and beef, which are most often consumed by people with food allergies, will also be included in the online Price Monitoring system operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), the organization informed MTI on Saturday.

Photo: Pixabay

According to the announcement, with the expansion, customers can now compare prices in 78 product categories – which means more than 1,300 food products on a daily basis – from mid-January.

The Price Monitor reduces prices in the last hours of the year, before New Year’s Eve, so Hungarian families can save money and time by using it

– they pointed out.

They explained: In Hungary, more than 3 million people live with some kind of food intolerance or food allergy, and the online Price Watcher, available at, will soon help them in a targeted way.

The decree of the Minister of Economic Development was published in the issue of Magyar Közlöny on December 29, according to which, on the 15th day after the announcement, another 16 product categories will be added to the system operated by the national competition authority.

The competition office highlighted: the online Price Monitoring system – as well as targeted government and other measures – reduced food inflation by less than one-sixth.

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the increase in the price of food was 7.1 percent in November 2023, which also indicates an extremely dynamic decrease from the point of view of economic history compared to the 44.8 percent figure measured in December 2022 – they added, along with the fact that in the Price Observatory In more than 80 percent of observed product categories, prices have decreased since the launch on July 1.

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