
The promise of direct support to families stands in anticipation on the edge of the year – Today 24

Before the end of 2023, the government has begun the process of disbursing the first batch of direct social support for the benefit of poor families. It is expected that one million Moroccan families will benefit from it and have already begun to receive the value of financial aid through their bank accounts, according to what Aziz Akhannouch announced during his presidency of a government council. Earlier.

Supporting families was carried out in accordance with royal instructions. During the opening of the first session of the legislative year 2023-2024, the King announced at that time that the program would not be limited to family compensation, but would include some other social groups concerned with supporting children of school age, those with disabilities, and newborns, in addition to families. The poor and fragile.

For his part, Akhannouch announced that about one million Moroccan families will receive direct social support starting December 28, in accordance with the King’s instructions, awaiting a second batch at the beginning of the new year 2024.

According to government data, it is expected that about one million families that meet the threshold requirement for the unified social registry will receive, during the current month (the equivalent of 3.5 million Moroccans), the first batch of this financial support, immediately after submitting applications to benefit from this program.

The Prime Minister, during a joint general session devoted to presenting a statement on direct social support, said earlier: “This program is relied upon by the country to provide practical solutions to complex problems affecting a number of families, especially the most vulnerable ones, by insuring them against the vicissitudes of life.”

To benefit from this direct support, the children must be no more than 21 years old and continue their studies, indicating the possibility of reducing the support if the children drop out of school.

The government has committed to increasing the value of this grant in 2025 to 250 dirhams per month for each child, as a family with 3 children will receive a total of 750 dirhams per month.

It is expected that a family with 3 children will receive a total amount of 900 dirhams per month starting in January 2026, as the grant will reach 300 dirhams for each child.

This program targets 60 percent of Moroccan families who are not currently covered by social security systems.

The direct social support program will enable the establishment of a social safety net (un bouclier social), where the minimum support for each family, regardless of its composition, is 500 dirhams per month, and it can reach more than 1,000 dirhams per month, taking into account the composition of each family, especially The number of her children.

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