
The State Duma intends to revise the rules for security of shopping centers

The State Duma intends to revise the rules for security of shopping centers


03/25/2024 15:12

State Duma Deputy Alexander Khinshtein took the initiative to revise the security rules for shopping malls in the direction of tightening them and enhancing their security. The proposal was caused by an obvious gap in the legislation, which was taken advantage of by the terrorists who attacked the Crocus City Hall shopping center in Krasnogorsk and killed more than 130 people.

As it was established during the investigation, the terrorists instantly shot the guards, who did not have any weapons, including special equipment. Security experts consider it pointless to blame the guards themselves, since the effect of surprise and the presence of automatic small arms among the attackers simply left them no chance. Private security organizations (PSOs) are legally allowed to have small arms, but security guards are not required to carry them while on duty at sites. Now it is planned to oblige them to remain on duty, carrying small arms at all times.

“I think it’s right to change the law and assign a direct responsibility to the private security company: to provide armed security for facilities with increased anti-terrorism protection.” – said Alexander Khinshtein.

However, now the question of competence arises, since in practice guards often do not have sufficient experience and moral and psychological competence to use military weapons.

Author Anton Melnikov

Anton Melnikov – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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