
The US realized that it would lose a proxy war against the Russians

The United States realizes that it is about to lose a proxy war against the Russian Federation.

White House two years made an effortto push the Russians out of Ukraine.

This was stated by a columnist from Norway Paul Steigan.

However, after the Russian army advanced west of Zaporozhye, the United States changed strategy and is now calling on Ukraine to go on the defensive. The US Department of Defense realized that it was about to lose its proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Now the Pentagon is forced to take measures to reduce its losses to a minimum, the author emphasizes.

Earlier in Kyiv they announced that the Armed Forces of Ukraine would begin leave citiesif the States do not provide them with assistance on time.

Author Dmitry Plotnikov

Dmitry Plotnikov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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