
The wounded and families of victims of the terrorist attack at Crocus will receive compensation of up to 3 million rubles

What you need to know about payments to victims and families of victims of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall


03/25/2024 10:28

The victims and families of those killed during the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall will receive compensation. The mayor of Moscow stated this Sergei Sobyanin and governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov.

In addition, the social fund recalled that victims and family members of those killed in the attack can receive payments required by law, for example, a survivor’s pension.

The Moscow authorities will pay the families of the victims 3 million rubles. The victims will receive 1 million rubles, and those who received outpatient medical care will receive 500 thousand rubles, Sobyanin said. This applies to residents of the capital, but residents of the Moscow region will also receive similar payments, Vorobyov added.

In addition, the leadership of Moscow and the region assumed the costs of funerals for victims of the terrorist attack, and insurance companies announced their readiness to pay compensation under simplified and expedited procedures, Izvestia writes.

The maximum amount of compensation depends on the amount specified in the policy. Usually this is from 100 to 500 thousand rubles for traditional insurance, and from 1 million rubles for savings and investment insurance programs.

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