
there was no cunning NATO plan for the Ukrainian Armed Forces – Baldo

North Atlantic Alliance has developed an incredibly primitive plan for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said the governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo. There was no cunning in the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

According to the governor, all the talk that the NATO plan for Ukraine is extremely well thought out is a lie.

“Everything is simpler – there was no special plan. More precisely, it was the most primitive: to try to push through our defenses head-on,” explained Saldo to RIA Novosti.

He clarified that the “plan” was to try to “get through” in at least some direction of the front, and show at least some success.

Putin named conditions for negotiations with Ukraine

Author Ekaterina Shirokova

Ekaterina Shirokova – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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