
These ten people are now the saddest because of Katalin Novák’s departure

We are extremely saddened by Katalin Novák’s resignation. He was a great president of the republic, in all areas and from all aspects, writes the Hungarian Civil Cooperation Association in its statement.

Photo: Youtube/M1

They say that “the country and the nation will lose a lot” with Novák’s resignation.

We regret your decision, but we understand. His resignation further elevates his personality and, we hope, places him at an appropriate level in Hungarian history

– read the statement.

The association is also extremely sorry for the departure of Judit Varga, because, as they write, “Hungarian politics will be poorer because of her. She represented the interests of Hungary in all her functions with exemplary perseverance”.

The statement was signed by:

– President Enikő Győri

– Dr. Tordán Vice President Judit Petneházy

– Györgyné Borbély, member of the presidency of Ildikó Bíró

– Board member Ildikó Hűvösvölgyi

– Board member György Jenőfi

– Prof. Dr. Gábor Náray-Szabó, board member

– Dr. Zoltán Osztie, board member

– Board member Bence Ervin Takács

– Dr. Ferenc Müller, FB president

– Honorary President Prof. Dr. János Martonyi

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