
“They want to defile our church, pray!” Zoltán Balog reacted to the accusations against him

Zoltán Balog, former minister of human affairs, who was also linked to the pardon case of Katalin Novák, wrote a letter to his pastor and presbyter brothers.

Photo: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák

The letter a Telex stated that:

“Dear Pastor and Presbyter Brothers!

I am addressing you in my letter because I want to give you an account, because we bear the responsibility for our church. I will not respond to the baseless accusations and rumors coming from the media, which, through me, as the pastoral president of the Synod, want to smear our church and its synodal body. But I am ready to stop before you. Trust in the possibility of pastoral meetings, be patient and pray!

Perhaps it is not worth wasting words on the lowest parts of the personal attack.

Of course, everyone knows that I am a member of the advisory board of the President of the Republic together with 15 well-known public, academic, church and culture-shaping people. It is also natural that in this capacity I do not represent our church. Whether I was wrong or not when I took a position on any matter at the request of my client, it rests solely on him. Madam President said what she considered necessary in public. I respect the way he closed this case. Let’s respect it too!

In 2016, during my ministry, the director of the children’s home in Bicske, awarded by the capital with the István Bárczy prize, received an award for promoting the field, and when suspicions arose against him, I immediately suspended him, ordered an investigation, and at the end of the criminal proceedings, he went to prison.

I have never met him personally, he has not submitted an application for clemency. For the sake of the deputy director, K. Endre (who was not convicted as a pedophile), they appealed to the president of the republic with a request for clemency. The application was not submitted by me and I did not present it. The profound rejection of the crime of pedophilia has never been a subject of debate for me and never will be. In the Reformed Church, we are united in this.

I will also make a public statement on this tomorrow.

Just over two weeks ago, we were able to experience the spiritual togetherness of our church with an army of pastors at the national pastors’ meeting together with the brothers from the Highlands by God’s grace and we were strengthened by Him. Let’s not let this blessing from above be taken away from us!

We trust in the love and grace that Christ prepared for all people!

Wishing blessings and peace:

February 12, 2024.”

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