
Top 5 Home Exercises for a Flat Stomach


12/30/2023 21:07

The holiday season is over, but don’t forget about training over the next six months. Reboot Fitness trainer Elizaveta Devyatkova offers five effective abdominal exercises:

Exercise “Sphinx”:

Starting position: lying on your stomach, forearms resting on the floor, hips, knees and the back of your feet on the floor.
The movement begins by lowering the head to the chest.
We push off the floor with our forearm, pushing the thoracic region into the ceiling.
We twist the pelvis, pull the pubic bone towards the navel, reducing the distance between the pelvis and the ribs.
We return to the starting position.
Perform 5-7 times in 2 circles.

Exercise “Side Plank”:

Starting position: lie on your left side, left forearm supported on the floor, lower leg bent at the knee, the edge of the upper foot rests on the floor, right arm suspended.
We push the pelvis up, keeping it suspended.
We twist the body behind the right arm as we inhale, as we exhale we unwind and extend our free arm to the ceiling.
Perform 5-7 times in 2 circles.

Exercise “Dog on three legs + knee to chest”:

Starting position: plank on straight arms, palm under shoulder, neutral pelvis position, knees off the floor, feet planted.
We push off the floor with our hands and begin to raise our right leg to the ceiling.
We pull the right knee to the chest, twist the pelvis, reducing the distance between the pelvis and the ribs.
Perform 5-7 times in 2 circles.

Exercise “Wave”:

Starting position: kneeling, shin and back of the foot pressed to the floor, body straight, palms in line with the back of the head in a lock.
We direct the body forward, reaching for the heels with the pelvis.
Twisting the pelvis, we launch a wave from the bottom up, unwind vertebra by vertebra, the head comes last, open the elbows to the side.
Perform 5-7 times in 2 circles.

Exercise “Side to side”:

Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, palms resting firmly on the floor, legs in table top position, knees hip-width apart, knee above the hip joint, feet in a neutral position.
Resting your palms on the floor, shift your pelvis to the left without bringing your knees together.
Tilt both hips to the right, straighten the upper leg at the knee joint and return to the starting position.
Perform 5-7 times in 2 circles.

Author Angelina Efremova

Angelina Efremova – freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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