
A pregnant Ekaterinburg woman who fell on the subway rails underwent surgery

A pregnant Ekaterinburg woman who fell on the subway rails underwent surgery


09.18.2023 15:01

To a pregnant woman from Yekaterinburg who fell on the tracks at the Prospekt Kosmonavtov metro station, an operation was performed. A source in the medical community said that doctors are making optimistic forecasts.

“Doctors are superstitious people, and at the moment we will not give further comments. We really hope that the situation will not change,” said a source quoted by the E1 portal.

An emergency happened in the morning at the Prospekt Kosmonavtov station. Witnesses reported that the passenger was standing at the edge of the platform, and then began to cry, fell onto the tracks and ended up under the carriage. Train traffic was temporarily suspended, causing a transport collapse in the city.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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