
Analysts have compiled a “tangerine rating” in Russia | December 30, 2023

The most popular type were tangerines with leaves, the demand for which increased by 162% compared to autumn, and by 248% compared to December last year. The next position was taken by selected tangerines – they were purchased 69% more often.

According to the study, Russians began to increasingly prefer clementines – a hybrid of oranges and tangerines – sales of which increased 50 times compared to the fall, and 10 times compared to last year.

Tangerines from Turkey were in greatest demand. In December, demand for them increased by 55%, which accounted for 13% of all tangerine sales that month. Citrus fruits from Morocco took second place. On the eve of the New Year, sales increased by 159%. Third place was taken by tangerines from China, fourth by South Africa, and fifth by Abkhazia.

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