
Elon Musk spoke sharply about the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Elon Musk spoke sharply about the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


09/18/2023 07:55

Kyiv lost a large number of soldiers during the counteroffensive, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were unable to make significant progress on the battlefield. This was stated by an entrepreneur from the USA Elon Musk.

In his opinion, the achievements of the Ukrainian army are difficult to discern on maps.

“So many deaths for such an insignificant result,” the businessman emphasized on the social network X (formerly Twitter*).

Earlier, the US Senate began an investigation into Musk, who refused to include Starlink connection for soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Crimea region in 2022. The billionaire thwarted an attack by Ukrainian troops on the peninsula. As the businessman explained, communications were turned off due to anti-Russian sanctions, which also apply in Crimea.

* in the Russian Federation, access to the resource is limited based on the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office dated February 24, 2022.

Author Yulia Milenina

Yulia Milenina is a correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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