
Figure skating star Elena Ilyinykh became a mother again: “Mother of many children”

Figure skating star Elena Ilyinykh became a mother again: “Mother of many children”


02/13/2024 15:30

Olympic champion in figure skating Elena Ilinykh announced an addition to the family.

Figure skater Elena Ilyinykh became a mother for the third time. The family announced the joyful event on social networks. The Ilins’ pregnancy was hidden for all 9 months.

“For the awarded title – mother of many children. And for the fact that, despite the contractions, we still managed to take pictures!” — the athlete wrote on Instagram*.

The couple has not yet declassified the gender and name of the child.

Ilyina is married to ballet dancer Sergei Polunin. They have two sons – 4-year-old Mir and 2-year-old Dar.

* social network is prohibited in the Russian Federation; belong to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation

Author Elena Bylkina

Elena Bylkina – journalist, correspondent for the news service Pravda.Ru

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