
find out how to avoid stepping on a rake

Phrases that can deprive you of your driver’s license: find out how to avoid stepping on a rake


03/25/2024 02:16

Traffic police officers share tips on how drivers should behave when stopped. It is important to avoid attempts to demonstrate your legal knowledge and not to threaten complaints when communicating with inspectors.

“He approached me incorrectly, asked incorrectly, introduced himself incorrectly. Recently they wrote in a complaint that I had amnesia because I asked again for the driver’s registration address. Moreover, it was the driver who was to blame for the accident… Only an additional reason to give the motorist a more serious check,” – said a traffic police officer.

This was reported by the traffic police telegram channel.

“It happens like this: I stop the car, introduce myself, politely ask for documents. And it starts: “And your documents, what is the reason for the stop?” the inspector recalls.

Such actions can only complicate the situation and become an additional reason for inspections by traffic police.

Author Daniil Polonikov

Daniil Sergeevich Polonikov (December 19, 2003, Ivanovo) – student at the Higher School of Economics, freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru.

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