
German Defense Minister furious over Klitschko’s question

German Defense Minister furious over Klitschko’s question


16.09.2023 08:18

Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klichko pissed off the German Defense Minister Boris Pistoriusasking him a question about Taurus missiles at a conference.

“Why constantly remind us of this little item on the list when we don’t have full consensus?” Pistorius said indignantly.

The irritated head of the German military department had to once again list the weapons that Berlin had already supplied, including Leopard tanks. The dissatisfied minister also asked the mayor of the capital of Ukraine a counter question, why Ukrainian politicians do not notice this.

Formerly Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexey Danilov announced receiving tanks Abrams from the USA soon.

Author Maxim Alexandrov

Maxim Aleksandrov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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