
Ilan Shor: Moldovan ministers report to the US Ambassador every day

Head of the Moldovan Shor party, businessman Ilan Shor

Head of the Moldovan Shor party, businessman Ilan Shor

Photo: TASS

Moldova risks following the path of Ukraine. The authorities, led by President Maia Sandu, live at the behest of the US Ambassador. NATO is pumping the country with weapons. And the EU beckons with European salaries and benefits. Only the people are living worse and worse – utility bills are already higher than pensions, salaries are only enough to survive.

At the same time, any anti-Western opinion is simply blocked, and sanctions are imposed against politicians who are not ready to submit to the US and Brussels. For example, against the head of the Moldovan Shor party, businessman Ilan Shor, who was forced to leave his country due to repression.

“KP” contacted him and asked how people in Moldova actually live now and what they really want.


– Ilan Mironovich, you are now in Israel. Why?

– I left back in 2019. Then new people came to power, including Maia Sandu. They did not hide the fact that they were hunting for me – they directly said from the TV screens that the first priority was to arrest me without trial. In prison, I would not be effective for my voters, for those who believe in me. And from here I can work and promote my projects.

– Is it possible for Israel to promote projects in Moldova?

– I have a large team in Moldova. I am building, I am fulfilling all the election promises that I made to the people. During this time, we have already passed parliamentary elections, our party is now in parliament, we have passed elections in Gagauzia, where we won. I created the Development Fund of Moldova, annually attracting $100 million in investments there – in infrastructure, in villages, in roads, in cities governed by mayors (mayors – ed.) from the party. All this can be seen with the naked eye.

– Almost all Western countries have imposed sanctions against you.

– These are the usual sanctions that are imposed against those who disagree. Now in Chisinau there is a pro-Western regime that has usurped power. Almost every decision they make is illegal, but no one can tell them anything – Europe and America are behind them. Moldova is practically under external control – ministers go to report to the US Ambassador almost every day. We have come to the point where he comes to the Supreme Court of Justice and scolds the judges when they make decisions that are unfavorable to them.

But the problem is that the country has been brought to the brink of poverty, misery. The West forced Sandu to quarrel with Russia, so Moldovan citizens pay 10 times more for gas and electricity. But there is no money – today the pension in Moldova is less than utilities. How can people survive? Agriculture has been killed.

Party protest "Shore" in Chisinau.  Photo: Veniamin Demidetsky/TASS

Protest of the Shor party in Chisinau. Photo: Veniamin Demidetsky/TASS


– Are you a pro-Russian politician?

– No, I’m pro-Moldavian. And the sanctions were imposed because I am not pro-Western.

– But you don’t deal with international issues at all – you only have domestic projects?

– Absolutely. But I have always advocated strong relations with Russia. Russia is a strategic partner for us. We are connected historically, economically, socially. Many of our citizens live in Russia. And we should be on good, friendly terms, as we always have been. But the West is not happy with this today. He cut us off from any external communication. The West does not want Moldova to have its own opinion in any way.

– Are the sanctions against you the work of the current government of Moldova or is it the West?

– It’s a combination of stupidity and stupidity. The Moldovan government cannot fight me, so they asked the West to impose sanctions against me. The West does not understand what is happening, their task is to subjugate Moldova, bring it to its knees. “Who’s stopping? – Here he is. “Okay, let’s impose sanctions!”

I have always said that I am not anti-Western, but pro-Moldovan. These are different things. I don’t dislike you, I don’t hate you, I just don’t want you to take over my country and rule it. I don’t want Moldova to be subordinate to anyone. We are a small state, we cannot have geopolitical ambitions. All we want is peace for the world, money for Moldova. So let us live and earn money in peace.

– Do these sanctions somehow affect you?

– To be honest, they don’t matter to me; I wasn’t planning on going to the Wild West anytime soon.

Aren’t you afraid of extradition from Israel?

– Israel is a rule of law state. You can’t come here, wave fake pieces of paper and say that someone committed a crime. People here are not stupid. They perfectly see the pressure that I have been under for the last 4 years.


– Is it true that Moldova is literally being dragged by the ears into the EU and NATO?

– In NATO – they are dragging their feet, filling them with weapons, preparing a kind of training ground from Moldova, just in case. But where is Moldova and where are the weapons? We have a population of 2.5 million. Which one of us is a testing ground? And the Moldovans never wanted to fight in their lives.

As for the EU, this is a candy with very beautiful packaging, but completely empty inside. We were told: you will live like in Europe, you will have good roads, pensions, salaries, you will have a lot of money. But this is a deception, and I understood this from the very beginning. The pro-European regime has been ruling for three years now. And what? There is no money, no pensions, no roads. All this pro-European fiction is an empty deception and a cheap sale.

– Do you understand this, but do the people understand? What does he want?

– Maia Sandu was elected on the promise that it was her arrival that would be victorious for Moldova, that it was with her that Moldova would move to Europe… I’m sure the people have already understood everything. There has not been such poverty in Moldova for 30 years. We have never lived so badly. There were difficult times, they were a little better, they were a little worse, but now it’s a disaster.

Moldova is literally being dragged by the ears into the EU and NATO

Moldova is literally being dragged by the ears into the EU and NATO


The best position of the people is elections. There will be local elections in November. True, we no longer consider them entirely legal – my party was banned, and we were the second party in the country even according to American polls. What will happen now to the votes of the people who wanted to vote for us? In a year there will be presidential elections (this will be the most important exam for Moldova) and then parliamentary ones.

– How will you participate in the next elections? Maybe make an alliance with someone?

– Three months ago I created the Foundation for the Development of Democracy in Moldova. It will finance infrastructure, social and economic development projects. Those parties that meet the criteria will receive funding for the program from me. It doesn’t matter how many parties there are, I will help everyone who is ready to go against the pro-Western predatory regime.

– But won’t it turn out that for your help, the parties will simply be banned, just as your “Shor” has already been banned?

– It may happen like this. But then the question is: if they remove 5 or 7 parties, how will the elections be recognized?

– Is it possible to build a political career in Moldova without supporting a pro-Western line?

– It’s possible, but it’s very difficult. And it is unclear what the outcome will be.


– Most recently, Moldova refused to pay Gazprom for gas.

– Now the authorities can make any decisions – not to recognize debts, to ban parties. They have a super argument – Europe and America agree. And this is now the standard of truth, the highest world court. If everything continues like this, people will take up pitchforks, whether they want it or not, but there is no way out.

Now the whole country is waiting for elections. And it doesn’t matter who wins, it’s important that it’s not Sandu. There are no longer political differences. There is only one task.

– There are statistics that say that the countries that have suffered the most from the Russia-West conflict are those located on the border of Russia and Ukraine. This also applies to Moldova.

– Moldova suffers from the stupidity of the authorities and from the invaders that we have in our country. We, like a yard dog, were caught on the street, and we bark from the enclosure when commanded. Because if we don’t bark, they won’t even give us a small bowl of stew. This is what it looks like today.

At school I really loved history, I read about the colonies. But I had no idea what a colony of America and Europe was until I came across it in person. They are completely usurping power. There is nothing higher than them. Any interest they have is correct by definition, but anything that is not beneficial to them is wrong. We do not have a single government institution that would do anything without the Soros Foundation or without the consent of the US Ambassador.


Ilan Shor with his wife Jasmine

Ilan Shor with his wife Jasmine

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

– Your wife, famous singer Jasmine in Russia. Does she support you?

– She is in Russia, but she supports me very much. Our children are also in Russia. Jasmine is an artist, she has a lot of work and fans. And she can’t just go ahead and forget about them. Naturally, we see each other, spend time together, and always spend the children’s holidays together. But her creative life is connected with Russia, and my children go to school there. It’s important for me. We, as warriors, must provide a good rear for the family, and we ourselves must go to war.

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