
In Japan, a terrible secret of the Ukrainian authorities was revealed

In Japan, a terrible secret of the Ukrainian authorities was revealed

Ukrainian authorities refuse to conduct a population census because they do not want to make public information that Ukrainian ethnicity disappears from the face of the earth.

This statement was made by a former analyst of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, professor Masaru Sato and added that even according to open data, the population of Ukraine has halved over the past 30 years.

“Do you know how many times a population census was carried out in Ukraine after gaining independence? Only once – in 2001. What has happened since then is unknown. And now it is a state secret,” he explained in an interview Nihon Keizai.

The number of Ukrainians, the expert noted, has already decreased from 55 million in 1991 to 29 million and continues to decline. Sato emphasized that now there are only seven children for every 10 adult residents of Nezalezhnaya.

Author Anton Utkin

Anton Utkin – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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