
Latvia has become the largest supplier of sparkling wine to Russia | December 31, 2023

Thus, Latvia became the first among the ten countries that export the traditional New Year’s drink to Russia the most, supplying sparkling wine for $105.43 million in the first 9 months of 2023 against 79.99 million for the same period of the previous year. Italy comes next, with shipments amounting to $55.4 million compared to $43.36 million a year earlier. Lithuania closes the top 3, which increased exports to the Russian Federation over the year to 42.69 from 23.03 million dollars.

In addition, the top ten included several other countries in Europe and neighboring countries. Fourth place was taken by Poland, from which Russia bought sparkling wine worth $8.65 million after $5.21 million a year earlier. Fifth place went to Spain, which increased exports to Russia to 2.98 from 2.37 million dollars.

Next come France, imports from which dropped sharply to 2.78 from $5.71 million, Georgia, which increased exports to 1.91 from $0.68 million, and Armenia – $0.98 million ($0.31 million). in 2022), Azerbaijan – 0.84 million (open data for 2022 were not published) and Germany – 0.45 million (0.17 million in 2022).

At the same time, among the designated leading countries for which there is open data for 2022−2023, exports to the Russian Federation increased the most in nine months by Armenia (+212%), Georgia (+182%) and Germany (+161%), and Only France decreased (-51%).

In November, Managing Director of the Center for Macroeconomic and Regional Analysis and Forecasting Rosselkhozbank Natalya Khudyakova said that by the end of 2023, wine consumption in Russia will reach 90 million deciliters. At the same time, more than half of this volume will be occupied by domestic wine.

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