
Maria Zakharova: Isolation is hard for us! More and more meetings and negotiations

Here are the most interesting quotes from today's briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.  Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS

Here are the most interesting quotes from today’s briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS

Today’s briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spent on the site Eastern Economic Forum. Here are the most interesting quotes from today’s briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

– Vladivostok is a unique metropolis. I’m saying this, of course, not to journalists who come from here, but I’m saying this considering that materials about our briefings are read abroad. I really want this to sound once again like the final closing story of the forum. Because it will be translated into different languages ​​and distributed throughout the world through our foreign institutions,” Zakharova noted. And then she talked for more than ten minutes about Vladivostok and the uniqueness of the Far Eastern Federal District.

“Isolation is hard for us!”

Speaking about Sergei Lavrov’s schedule, she said that from September 19 to 26, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry will work in New York. There, within the framework of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, a High-Level Week will be held.

– During this period, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry will take part in a number of multilateral events. Including through the UN Security Council, BRICS, CSTO… In addition, he intends to hold about twenty bilateral meetings. As you can imagine, isolation is hard for us! There are more and more meetings and negotiations,” joked the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“I understand that it’s very difficult to say now, but…”

The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent asked a clarifying question: “What result of the negotiations at this High-Level Week of the Russian Foreign Ministry would be positive for our country?”

– The General Assembly has been going on for a year. Therefore, all results will be achieved this year. Now the vector is being laid, probably not even so much of the work of the General Assembly, because the vector of the work of the General Assembly is laid in the resolutions of the General Assembly. Now the vector of the positional attitude of states towards global issues and problems is being laid. The vector of the most important directions that countries will defend throughout the year is being laid. And on the basis of this position, voiced by each country at this High-Level Week, approaches to decision-making on a particular document of the General Assembly will be formed. “I understand that what I just said was difficult, but such a complex structure,” Zakharova answered.

Who took the land with them

– I will remind you of Zelensky’s words. All those who see their future with Russia, he said already in recent history, can pack their bags, go to the station and leave. He said it! I didn’t make it up. Perhaps he did not know that people would also take the land with them. Which is what they did. Because this is the land of their ancestors, this is the land for which the fathers and grandfathers of the people who today are opposing the reincarnation of Nazism and fascism fought. And they have been doing this for many years. Who did not want to antagonize the Kyiv regime. Those who did not want to put up with this new reality called anticulture – the culture of total destruction.

About the visit of the US Secretary of State to Kyiv

– On September 6, the US Secretary of State made a two-day visit to Kyiv. The same and the same United States, which all its life stood for human rights. Blinken visited the cemetery of Ukrainian fighters and noted the success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counter-offensive. Apparently, he counted the number of graves and said that everything was going according to their American plan.

Casuistry performed by Blinken

– Blinken’s words were surprising. He said that Ukraine would negotiate if Russia came up with such an initiative. Of course, excuse me, what kind of casuistry is this, what kind of play on words is this? What kind of vague, to the point of meaningless, formulation is this? Firstly, our country has never refused to achieve the goals of the Northern Military District through political and diplomatic means. As you remember, when the Ukrainian side requested these negotiations, Moscow immediately responded. And they sat down at the negotiating table. The problem is that they withdrew from these negotiations in April 2022, and then banned them themselves in September of the same 2022. Well, the second point is that Washington apparently forgot this. They forgot who demanded that Kiev curtail negotiations with Russia… Therefore, such statements by American officials are hypocrisy, this is disinformation, this is an attempt to come up with some new excuses.

Absurd news from the EU

– And here is the news of the absurd. This is the “work” of the ES members in the Ukrainian direction. We drew attention to the recent decision of the European Commission to register the European Civil Initiative for the preservation and development of Ukrainian culture, education, language and traditions in EU countries. Maybe I don’t understand something! Ukrainians are small indigenous peoples of which EU countries? Well, we probably don’t know something, we don’t know about something. And this is all against the backdrop of the fact that the indigenous inhabitants of the Baltic countries, and these are also EU countries, have not been able to achieve the right to use their native language for many years… such terms as non-citizens have been invented in relation to them and their parents… How much they mocked our compatriots in the Baltics? And, by the way, they continue to mock. But the European Commission does not notice any of this.

About what’s happening in the USA

– There is a struggle for power. There is a cover-up of terrible, colossal corruption on a global scale. Political opponents are being exterminated. There is opposition to the bodies of various branches of government in the investigation of these same criminal acts… This is what is happening there… But this anti-Russian Russophobic agenda is needed for two purposes. The first is in order to cover up the facts of wild corruption… And the second is in order to have an agenda for the consolidation of society. That is, to create some kind of front of like-minded people.

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