
Details of the death of poet Nikolai Dobronravov have emerged

Details of the death of poet Nikolai Dobronravov have emerged


09/17/2023 11:08

Composer’s husband Alexandra Pakhmutova legendary songwriter Nikolay Dobronravov I’ve been going through some tough times lately. He could not walk and died in the intensive care unit of one of the capital’s hospitals. People around the poet talked about this, writes MK.

According to a family friend, the last year has been very difficult for Nikolai Nikolaevich. He actually didn’t walk and couldn’t get up.

Some time ago, the couple contracted coronavirus, after which Dobronravov began to suffer. His condition gradually worsened, which everyone knew, the publication’s interlocutor added.

She noted that Pakhmutova was always close to her husband. Most of the time the couple lived in a sanatorium. We spent this summer there too.

Doctors did everything possible to help the poet, but his condition did not improve. He was conscious, understood everything and could talk. The deterioration began at the end of summer.

“The last week was very difficult. He was hospitalized. Nikolai Nikolaevich was in intensive care. No one was allowed into the intensive care ward to see him. Alexandra Nikolaevna was waiting for him at home, hoping that everything would work out. Although, of course, she understood everything,” concluded a friend families.

Famous author of many favorite songs, laureate of the USSR State Prize Nikolai Dobronravov passed away in the 95th year of life on September 16.

Nikolai Dobronravov died

Author Maxim Alexandrov

Maxim Aleksandrov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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