
Musk said Soros wants to destroy the West

Musk said Soros wants to destroy the West


18.09.2023 17:25

Elon Musk believes that financier George Soros and his fund intend to destroy Western civilization.

“The Soros organization apparently wants nothing more than the destruction of Western civilization,” Musk wrote on his page on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

This is how he commented on a publication in which Soros is accused of indulging in the migrant crisis on the Italian island of Lampedusa.

This not the first attack by the owner of Tesla and SpaceX against the financier — Musk previously said that Soros “hates humanity.”

He also announced the intention of his company X to sue the Open Society Foundations founded by Soros (recognized as an undesirable organization in the Russian Federation) for attempts to achieve restrictions on freedom by spreading disinformation about the alleged increase in hate speech on social networks, recalls TASS .

In June of this year, American publications reported that the board of directors of the Soros Foundation chose his 37-year-old son Alexander as chairman.

He succeeded his father, who is now 92 years old. Although many doubted that George Soros would hand over his brainchild to his heir and not to a third party, the billionaire himself then stated that his son managed to win his trust, and he deserved his new place.

In his first interview after his election, Alexander Soros said that will direct most of the funds to the Open Society Foundations network in the coming years. Moreover, more than $120 million will be allocated to the Political Action Committee.

So we can hardly expect changes in the activities of the Soros Foundation.

Author Anton Kulikov

Anton Vladimirovich Kulikov – journalist, columnist for Pravda.Ru

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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