
Russians are fleeing Turkey en masse: reasons revealed


07.12.2023 08:41

Recently, many Russians have enjoyed moving to Turkey, but the situation suddenly changed. The reasons for the massive outflow of Russian citizens from this country are named.

One of the main reasons for the departure of Russians was the sharp increase in prices. Türkiye used to be an affordable place to live, but now the cost of living has increased significantly. Inflation is spiraling out of control, putting the affordability of shopping and everyday goods into question. The Turkish lira exchange rate has also fallen to a historical low, which only aggravates the situation, Turprom writes.

Another reason is the economic situation in the country. An increase in the key rate to 40% may have a negative impact on business and entrepreneurial activity in the near future.

Tourism has also become less attractive in Turkey. Previously, the country was famous for affordable holidays, but now life has become more expensive, and many luxuries have become unaffordable. In addition, when comparing prices with other popular countries, it becomes clear that the changes have not only affected Turkey.

There is also the problem of obtaining residence permits (residence permits). Legislative changes have made tourist residence permits difficult to obtain, which limits the options of property owners.

All these factors raise questions among Russians who considered Turkey as a permanent place of residence. Uncertainty regarding prices, economic situation and residence permits casts doubt on the attractiveness of the country for relocation. Perhaps the situation will become clearer after the municipal elections, but for now Russians are actively looking for new places to move to.

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Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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