
Sobyanin signed a decree on the resignation of the Moscow government

Sobyanin signed a decree on the resignation of the Moscow government


09.18.2023 17:21

Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree on the resignation of the city government. The corresponding document was published on the official website of the head of the capital.

“I announce the resignation of the Moscow government and instruct it to continue to exercise its powers until a new composition of the Moscow government is formed,” the message in the document reads.

In connection with this decision, Sobyanin relieved the chief executives of the executive authorities of the Moscow region from the positions they filled in the state civil service of the city and assigned them the duties of the previously filled positions.

In addition, decrees were signed on the dismissal of the press secretary of the Moscow mayor and the head of the press service of the mayor and the Moscow government, and the head of the second department of the capital government. Similar measures were taken against the first deputies and deputy heads of the Mayor’s Office and the city government.

The city leader also signed a decree on the resignation of the prefects of all districts of the capital.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Oleg Artyukov

Oleg Artyukov – journalist, columnist for the politics department of Pravda.Ru

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