
The body of a strangled baby was found in a Moscow apartment

The body of a strangled baby was found in a Moscow apartment

In the southeast of Moscow in one of the apartments body found strangled child. This was reported by the press service of the Investigative Committee.

As the department explained, a 10-month-old boy was found in an apartment on Taganrogskaya. Investigators found signs of violent death. According to them, the victim died due to strangulation.

Investigators and criminologists were sent to the scene of the emergency. They will establish a complete picture of what happened.

The Moscow prosecutor’s office notes in the Telegram channel that, previously, the child was strangled by his own mother.

Earlier, a resident of Yekaterinburg crushed a baby to death while sleeping. The woman claims that this happened by accident, but she could still be prosecuted for causing death by negligence.

Author Yulia Milenina

Yulia Milenina is a correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service.

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