
The government hopes to create 25,000 new jobs thanks to universal primary education – Today 24

A report on results-based budgeting from a gender perspective issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance stated that universal primary education for children aged 4 to 5 years will create the possibility of creating 51,903 new jobs.

The report highlighted that “measuring the social and economic gains that can be generated by achieving the goals of the National Program for the Universalization and Development of Primary Education (PNGDP) has shown that universalization of primary education for children between the ages of 4 and 5 years will allow the creation of 51,903 new jobs.”

In this regard, the report confirmed that about 71 percent of the jobs created (i.e. 36,832 jobs) are direct jobs, indicating that the analysis from a gender perspective of these job positions revealed the creation of 46,713 jobs for women and 5,190 for men.

He stressed that achieving the goals of the National Program for the Universalization and Development of Primary Education will not only allow for the creation of more job opportunities for women, but will also enhance their access to decent work.

Moreover, primary education would have a positive impact on women’s labor supply, by reducing the time devoted to unpaid care work, which could bring women into the active population.

Thus, the development of primary education at the national level, taking into account the density of direct and indirect employment, including those directed to women, that it can generate as well as the income that it is likely to enhance, is considered a major lever for enhancing the economic empowerment of women and reducing gender disparities. The basis of gender and valuing human capital.

The aim of the report on results-based budgeting from a gender perspective is to inform citizens about the efforts made to take into account issues related to promoting equality between women and men in programming and budget preparation processes within ministerial sectors, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory law of the Finance Law of 2015.

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