
The mother of Pustovalov’s killer refused to talk about what her son would do when freed.


21.11.2023 08:01

Mother Alexandra Pustovalova, famous killer, who recently left prison, refused to answer questions about his plans and what he would do when free. This was reported by KP. RU.

When asked by journalists, the woman first jokingly remarked: “Are you sure that you should be interested in this?”

She then added that the entire gang to which her son belonged had already been eliminated.

“Will he go alone? Like a three-headed dragon?” — the publication quotes the mother’s words.

According to her, her son did not share his plans for the future with her.

Let us remind you that the famous killer of the 90s, known as Sasha the Soldier, was released on November 17. He served 24 years of imprisonment for committing contract killings in a maximum security colony in the village of Monino. To avoid unnecessary fuss, the man left the colony unnoticed.

Pustovalov was a member of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group and committed at least 22 murders.

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Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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