
The Russian military put Ukrainian attack aircraft to flight near Rabotino

The Russian military put Ukrainian attack aircraft to flight near Rabotino

In the area of ​​the village of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian military assault groups were forced to retreat as a result of successful actions by the Russian army. This was announced by the head of the local public movement “We are together with Russia” Vladimir Rogov RIA Novosti agency.

He clarified that several military attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were carried out in small groups without the involvement of heavy equipment, but these units suffered significant losses and were forced to retreat.

“The number of militants killed is in the dozens,” Rogov said.

The head of the public movement also emphasized that the soldiers of the 291st regiment from the Russian side demonstrated excellent tactical skills. Reconnaissance operations were carried out quickly, and artillery accurately targeted enemy positions.

In addition, according to Rogov, a temporary deployment point for Ukrainian troops was destroyed in the Rabotino area. Front-line aviation attacked enemy positions using aerial bombs.

Author Elvira Makhmutova

Elvira Makhmutova – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Alexander Artamonov

Alexander Artamonov – military observer, editor of the French version, presenter of the “Control Shot” reviews – on the channel of the media holding “Pravda.Ru”

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