
The terrorists who killed in Crocus. Dossier, facts, characteristics

The terrorists who killed in Crocus. Dossier, facts, characteristics

On March 25, the Basmanny Court arrested the terrorists who carried out the bloody massacre in Krasnogorsk.

Who are these citizens of Tajikistan?

The first accused – Dalerjon Mirzoev.

The network initially mistakenly called him the leader. But later we will return to the real leader of the gang.


Mirzoev is 32 years old, a citizen of Tajikistan, married and has four children, including two one-and-a-half-year-old twins.

He repeatedly violated the migration law of the Russian Federation and was in the field of view of law enforcement officers. In 2011, he was prosecuted for violating mandatory deportation rules. At first he was detained for violating immigration laws and placed in a temporary detention center. But he escaped from there or, in violation of the law, simply did not leave Russia within the prescribed period.

Mirzoev lived and worked in a semi-legal position, either returning to Tajikistan or coming to the Russian Federation. Until recently he was a taxi driver.
Temporarily registered in Novosibirsk (for 3 months).

Interrogation at trial

In court he communicated through an interpreter, because (according to him) he does not understand or speak Russian.

During the first interrogation, he said that for about three weeks before March 22, he lived in a “hostel on the highway.” Allegedly, I bought a car with a friend to use as a taxi. A week and a half before the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, I met a certain Abdullah on a social network and complained that there was a problem with money.

Terrorist attack

Together with his accomplices, he drove up to the shopping center in a car, and already in the parking lot began shooting at people. In 18 minutes, together with other criminals in the building, he shot dozens of people. After setting the hall on fire, he walked around and finished off the wounded with a knife.


He admitted his guilt in full. Arrested until May 22.

Second accused – Saidakrami Murodali Rachabalizoda.

He was nicknamed “Ear” online because of his injury.


He is 30 years old, he is a citizen of Tajikistan, married, has a child, has never officially worked anywhere, has incomplete secondary education.

He also stated that he did not remember in which city he was registered, but the RT television channel claims that he was registered in Podolsk, on Industrialnaya Street.

In 2018, he was fined 5 thousand rubles for violating the rules of stay in the Russian Federation – the migrant exceeded the three-month period of stay in the Russian Federation. Then he was obliged to conduct a “controlled independent departure” from the country.

Terrorist attack

Footage from Krasnogorsk published on social networks shows that he shot at point-blank range from automatic weapons people lying on the floor in the corridor and concert hall.


He said that he “doesn’t know Russian.” He stated that his accomplices threw the weapons they had onto the highway from the car before they were captured by security forces in the Bryansk region.


He admitted his guilt in full. Arrested until May 22.

The third accused – Fariduni Shamsidin.

On the Internet, he was first nicknamed “Telephonist” (after a photograph with wires appeared), but later it turned out that he was the leader of this group. It was he who was contacted by the curators in Turkey. He was the only one with whom the “preacher” who ordered the bloody action had contact.
Arrived in Moscow on March 4. Fariduni received instructions and instructed the rest of the terrorists – he gave “lessons”, assigned roles and transferred the plan from the curator.


25 years old, citizen of Tajikistan, married, has an 8-month-old child.

Registered in Krasnogorsk, was employed at a factory in Podolsk.


During the first interrogation, he said that he “shot at people for 500 thousand rubles.” There he also said that the weapons were obtained by people who contacted him through the Telegram channel. It took a month to prepare for the terrorist attack.

Terrorist attack

He shot visitors and employees of Crocus.


Like the others, he communicated through an interpreter. He admitted his guilt in full. Arrested until May 22.

The fourth accused – Muhammadsobir Fayzov.

On the Internet he was nicknamed “Eye” – during his arrest in the Bryansk region, he was wounded and his eye fell out of its socket.


19 years old, citizen of Tajikistan, not married, no children. He was involved in martial arts.

He was employed in a barbershop in the city of Ivanovo and registered there. I worked for 2 months, quit, and moved to another city.

Secondary education, no previous convictions.

Terrorist attack

He filmed a video distributed on the Internet as a recording on behalf of the performers.

I was driving the car in which they fled from Crocus. It was he who deliberately hit the eight-year-old child. The boy survived.


In the footage of the interrogation in the hospital, he doesn’t really say anything, most likely due to his injury.

Like the others, he communicated through an interpreter.


They brought me to the meeting, accompanied by doctors, on a chair with a catheter and urinal bag.

He admitted his guilt.

Price issue

500 thousand rubles – this was the final “fee” for a monstrous crime, the money had to be divided among everyone. When detained, they were confused about exactly how much they should have been paid—half a million or a million. But they received an advance payment of 250 thousand rubles on Fariduni’s card.

Before planning began, all four did not know each other; they lived in different places.

Author Dmitry Plotnikov

Dmitry Plotnikov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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