
The UN Court began hearings on the lawsuit of Kyiv against Russia: how this will affect our country

Former Prosecutor General of Russia, professor at RGSU Yuri Skuratov.

Former Prosecutor General of Russia, professor at RGSU Yuri Skuratov.

Photo: Ivan MAKEEV

On Monday, September 18, the International Court of Justice of the United Nations in The Hague begins hearings on the lawsuit dated February 2022 against Russia “for violation of the genocide convention in connection with the conduct of a Russian special military operation on the territory of the republic”

According to news agencies, “court hearings on the relevant claim will be held from September 18 to 27.” This block of meetings is devoted to “preliminary objections raised by Moscow.”

This topic is on air Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” we discussed with a well-known specialist in international law in Europe, Doctor of Law Yuri Skuratov.

… – Yuri Ilyich, how would you, as an international lawyer, comment on all this, how does this threaten Russia?

– Indeed, back in February Ukraine filed this claim.

– And last year.

– Yes, to the International Criminal Court, and there has already been one preparatory meeting in The Hague.

– The International Criminal Court is the only UN institution that is stationed not in New York, but in The Hague.

– Yes. So, the Russian side did not show up. But, as a sign of respect for the court, she provided a written explanation of her position.

– And what is this position?

– Our position is that we (in this part) do not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (in this particular dispute). We believe that there is no question of a violation of this convention.

But we are talking about an armed conflict, and at the same time we rely on completely different reasons for its occurrence than Kyiv.

The nature of this conflict is different; we rely on the norms of the UN Charter on the right of a nation to self-determination, and in this case we do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court.

– But there have already been precedents when they tried to “sue” us… At the international level. But…

– As history shows, yes, this is not the first time such an attempt has been made in the West.

The Americans repeatedly tried to use this court against the Soviet Union, and rather unsuccessfully. At one time, when there was a fleeting war, the Georgian side also tried to use the mechanism of the International Criminal Court.

– The Georgian-Ossetian conflict of August 2008 is meant.

– Yes, that’s absolutely right. But, ultimately, the court ruled that preliminary pre-trial procedures were not used to prepare this issue. That is, it (the trial – A.G.) was closed, and Georgia did not achieve its goal.

– How is it now?

– Well, it’s hard to say how the situation will develop. But our position, I think, is correct. We believe that there is no reason for the United Nations International Criminal Court to intervene here.

– That is, Russia, just like the Soviet Union in its time, as well as during Georgian history, is not in danger?

– I think, practically, yes. There is no danger. Of course, I would like the court to come to the right decision. And for this, Russia has already completed a set of certain measures to clarify its position.

– Thank you very much.

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