
This is how Péter Ungár reacted to Judith Varga not being heard by the Judicial Committee

Péter Ungár, the faction leader of the LMP, responded to the decision of the President of the Parliament’s Justice Committee in a statement.

Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyés

As we reported earlier, referring to the house rules Imre Vejkey of the KDNP refused to convene the Judicial Committee of the Parliamentchairman of the committee.

The co-chairman of the LMP, Péter Ungár, initiated the questioning of Judit Varga in a letter last week on Wednesday.

According to Péter Ungár, who in the current situation claims that there is no reason to listen to the former or the current Minister of Justice about “the circumstances under which Endre K. was pardoned, he does not have the ability to investigate reality impartially”, reads Péter Ungár’s statement to MTI in his statement.

Millions of people are waiting for an answer to a simple question: at whose suggestion and why was K. Ender pardoned.

According to Ungár, whoever prevents voters from getting an answer to this is “a prisoner of his own interests, a simple political executor”.

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