
Ukrainian sniper revealed the scale of losses in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian sniper revealed the scale of losses in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Sniper of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) Konstantin Proshinsky commented statement of the military commissar from Poltava, who said that losses in Ukrainian units are catastrophic and reach 80-90 percent. And only 10-20 percent of those mobilized remain alive.

“In fact, these are true figures for our unit, including… Some have even less [осталось в строю]”, a Ukrainian Armed Forces militant wrote on his social networks.

According to the Ukrainian insider Telegram channel “Resident”, Vladimir Zelensky demanded the dismissal of the Poltava military commissar, who announced the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for disclosing classified information.

Author Maxim Alexandrov

Maxim Aleksandrov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Lyubov Stepushova

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Stepushova – columnist for Pravda.Ru

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