
Wages, working conditions, retirement… The Ministry of Health agrees with unions to resolve a number of demands – Al-Youm 24

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection reached an agreement with the unions represented in the health sector regarding a number of demands for health workers, including increasing wages, organizing and improving working conditions.
According to the minutes of the agreement between the two sides, the Ministry agreed in principle to motivate all health professionals through an increase in fixed wages, which will be decided no later than the end of January 2024. It was also agreed to improve the conditions for promotion within the framework of the health job’s implementing decrees and basic regulations. taken to implement them, while it was decided to continue consultations regarding the implementation of the requirements of Article 13 of the Health Career Law, especially working hours and increasing the value of compensation for guarding, compulsory, maintenance, and variable wages.
In the category files, it was agreed to refer a number of demands to the Ministry of Finance next Tuesday, and the matter relates to creating a higher health framework for the category of nurses and health technicians, creating compensation for specialization for the benefit of graduates of the National School of Public Health and the former National Institute for Health Administration, and granting an exceptional promotion to preparatory nurses and assistants. As well as creating special basic regulations that include new compensation, especially reviewing compensation for burdens, supervision, and responsibility for all categories of health professionals.

The unification of the retirement system for all health professionals within the framework of the Moroccan Retirement Fund will also be studied.

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