
Why don’t Russians trust car dealers?


12/30/2023 15:14

Almost half of Russians express dissatisfaction with customer service when buying cars from dealers. According to the analytical agency A2:Research, identified during the survey, the main complaints against car dealerships are related to the forced offer of additional services, markups on services and aggressive sales methods. Interviewees also noted that the quality of consultations leaves much to be desired. Despite the fact that 49% of respondents would prefer to buy a car from a dealer instead of a private party, they believe that car dealerships need to improve their performance.

Thus, 48% of respondents, when choosing a used car at a dealership, always pay attention to the completeness of the information provided about it, 34% – to the speed and organization of service, and 8% – to the comfort of interaction with sellers. At the same time, 81% of motorists are ready to use the services of a dealer if they have high-quality customer service.

Russians also admitted that the reason for visiting a car dealership to purchase a car is the opportunity to get a discount when exchanging an old car (39%), as well as the opportunity to purchase the car they like faster (24%). 37% of respondents pay attention to the positive reputation of the dealership.

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