
Nutritionist reveals the benefits of red wine for blood vessels and blood

Nutritionist reveals the benefits of red wine for blood vessels and blood


09.19.2023 10:01

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva spoke about the benefits of red wine. According to the expert, when moderate consumption it can protect the walls of blood vessels, promote digestion and even improve the blood formula.

The specialist, speaking to Public News Service, noted that red wine is an important part of the Mediterranean diet, which in medical circles is often associated with a healthy lifestyle.

“Polyphenols are antioxidants that provide protection all cell membranes, the nuclear apparatus, the vascular wall and the body as a whole from free radicals,” the doctor explained.

The benefits of red wine directly depend on the technology of its production, the nutritionist noted. A counterfeit wine product made with the addition of ethanol and dyes will not bring any benefit to the body, the publication’s interlocutor concluded.

Author Maxim Alexandrov

Maxim Aleksandrov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

Curator Elena Andreeva

Elena Andreeva—Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology” of the Russian Ministry of Health—Director of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine

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