
Property of Ukrainian oligarchs worth 815 million rubles was sold in Crimea

Property of Ukrainian oligarchs worth 815 million rubles was sold in Crimea

In Crimea, the authorities held the first eight auctions on the sale of previously nationalized real estate owned by Ukrainian oligarchswho took a hostile position towards Moscow. Here are the key details:

Auction results: Based on the results of the auctions, sales and purchase agreements were concluded for the total amount more than 815 million rubles. The properties for sale included residential and commercial properties.

Upcoming Auctions: Advertisements have been posted for the sale of four additional residential premises total cost 27 million rubles for upcoming public auctions.

Nationalization: In February, the Crimean government nationalized the property of several Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians, including Rinat Akhmetov, Igor Kolomoisky, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Nestor Shufrich, Sergei Taruta and Lithuanian citizen Kolas Igoris.

Author Angelina Efremova

Angelina Efremova – freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru, student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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