
Why is it dangerous to eat nuts?

Why is it dangerous to eat nuts?


Nuts are very healthy and nutritious, so they are considered high-calorie foods. This is probably one of the most high-calorie foods high in unsaturated fats. They help out when you need a quick snack and are suitable for both vegetarians and followers of the keto diet. This is one of the most affordable and delicious superfoods. But there are situations when it is better to refrain from them. Let’s talk with a nutritionist from the medical laboratory “LabQuest” + “Q-Clinic”, Candidate of Medical Sciences Daria Rusakova.

Nuts: pros and cons

Nuts are really healthy. They contain essential amino acids, for example, folic acid, tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-9, vitamins A, B, C and E, have good antioxidant properties, are good for the skin, rich in dietary fiber, reduce level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. They contain not only fats, but also vegetable protein.

But everything should be in moderation. Since the calorie content of nuts is very high (even “modest” pistachios contain over 500 kcal per 100 g, and the super-calorie champions macadamia and hazelnuts generally exceed 700 kcal), that is, they need to be so as not to exceed the daily calorie allowance. The norm for an adult: approximately 20-30 g of nuts per day; for children from six years old it is no more than 50-100 g per week. And it is better not to include them in the diet of children at all, since the child’s body cannot fully absorb them. In addition, nuts are a strong allergen.

It is precisely because most nuts are classified as strong allergens that you should avoid them. Children are more susceptible to allergies because their gastrointestinal tract is still functionally immature. But this pathology also occurs quite often in adults. It can occur in people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • pancreatitis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • conditions that are caused by a lack of enzymes.

Peanuts are widely used in the food industry and can be present as contaminants in various foods. After roasting peanuts, their allergenic properties increase. Allergies to nuts and peanuts are often accompanied by severe allergic reactions called anaphylaxis.

People with gastrointestinal diseases, especially with inflammation in the intestinal area, should use nuts with caution, as they can cause bloating, discomfort and stool disorders.

“It is healthier to eat nuts raw, rather than fried, salted, and even more so in glaze or chocolate. During the frying process, nuts lose the beneficial properties of fats, and salt, which is used in excess in the food industry, contributes to water retention in the body and the occurrence of edema. Also “You can soak nuts in water before eating. If there is no goal to lose weight, then nuts can and should even be included in your diet in daily allowances. If the goal is to lose weight, it is better to limit nuts,” the expert warns.

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