
Zhanna Friske’s father accused Dmitry Shepelev of hypocrisy

Zhanna Friske’s father accused Dmitry Shepelev of hypocrisy

Dmitry Shepelev became the host of the new show “In the Circle of Friends” on the Rossiya channel. Celebrities with their pets will come to the studio.

The 40-year-old presenter says he has “petted more animals in the last fortnight than in his entire life.”

“Goats ate my T-shirt, shepherds chewed my arm, a horse made a huge pile in the studio, and a cockatoo slept under my arm. I’m happy!” – the presenter tells the details.

But the father of Shepelev’s late wife Zhanna Friske, in a conversation with KP, told a not very beautiful history about ex-son-in-law.

“We had a small dog – a Jack Russell terrier, sweet, kind. So Shepelev kicked her. After that, he hid from him. Shepelev does not like dogs and is afraid of them. There are shepherd dogs in the house that do not bother anyone. But when Shepelev came , they started to growl,” says Vladimir Kopylov.

He says he doesn’t believe Dmitry and called him a “hypocrite and a liar.”

“It’s funny that now he seems to be a defender of dogs and other animals. Surely someone is protecting him on television. He is an insincere, very deceitful person. He just wants money,” concluded Friske’s father.

Author Dmitry Plotnikov

Dmitry Plotnikov – journalist, correspondent for the Pravda.Ru news service

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